mercredi 14 avril 2010

Maybe it's because not everyone wants media to spout wingnut talking points

Perhaps it happened the day Chris Matthews and G. Gordon Liddy had orgasms on the air over George W. Bush in a flight suit. Perhaps it happened even earlier, when the media decided taht George W. Bush won his debate with Al Gore. Perhaps it was eight years of regurgitating Dick Cheney's lies about Iraq. Perhaps it goes back to the media frenzy over a blue dress and a 20-year-old land deal. Perhaps it was the media presenting Sarah Palin as a credible figure to be a heartbeat away from, or in, the presidency. Perhaps it was the media giving a bunch of half-educated morons donning costumes and calling themselves Tea Party Patriots while spouting fractured history and rooting for tax cuts for rich people credibility as a viable third party and legitimate grassroots movement. Perhaps it hit the last straw with Bill Adair of Politifacts paraphrasing Stephen Colbert when opining that media outlets are afraid that facts are biased.

At any rate, thanks to the outright hackery of the last two decades, the journalism profession lies in ruins and its practitioners are pessimistic about its future:
Most newspaper and broadcast news editors think American journalism is in decline, and about half believe that their employers will go out of business if they do not find new sources of revenue, according to a survey to be released on Monday.

Among print editors, 18 percent said their papers were actively pursuing the idea of charging readers for access to their Web sites, while 58 percent said it was under consideration. Twenty-three percent said they believed that in three years, such subscription fees would be their primary source of online revenue, having overtaken advertising.

The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism polled members of two industry groups, the American Society of News Editors and the Radio Television Digital News Association. It received 353 sets of responses to the survey, conducted in December and January.

In addition, 48 percent of the editors who participated said that without a significant new income stream, their organizations could not remain solvent for more than 10 years; 31 percent gave them five years or less.

Despite that pessimism, about three-quarters of the editors who took part said they would have serious objections to accepting direct support from either the government or interest groups, and a similar number said their organizations had not seriously thought about taking donations from nonprofit groups.

In an era of shrinking newsrooms, 58 percent of the editors said journalism was headed in the wrong direction. Sixty-two percent said the Internet had changed the profession’s fundamental values, with most citing a loosening of standards.

Yes, blame the internet's "loosening of standards." Blame Brad Friedman, who has worked tirelessly over the last decade to expose the chicanery that lies behind our voting apparatus. Blame Greg Palast, who exposes so much treachery in public life that no one in the U.S. will hire him. For that matter, blame Rachel Maddow, who while part of the mainstream media, does cogent analysis night after night using DEMONSTRABLE FACTS while people who analyze media think this: the same as this:

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