mardi 30 mars 2010

Next week she'll send an e-mail about the traditional Passover ham

Carly Fiorina is a whole bunch o'Stoopid:

California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina (R) sent a letter to her supporters yesterday in honor of the first night of the Jewish holiday of Passover, which she described as a time where "we break bread and spend time with our families and friends."

Add this to the annals of unfortunate metaphors, since Passover is actually a time when most Jews abstain from eating any bread at all.

Passover marks the Jewish exodus from slavery in Egypt, when they were so rushed to escape they didn't even have time to let their bread rise. Instead, they ate Matzoh, or unleavened bread. Typically, Jews replace all bread and bread products with Matzoh for the eight days of the Passover holiday.

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