lundi 30 octobre 2006

Wolf, you shameless suckup, what did you THINK you were dealing with

Wolf Blitzer has done his best to be a good little lackey for the Bush Administration for as long as the Iraq War has been going on. So it's just a wee bit disingenuous for him to now get his knickers in a twist because Lynne Cheney, wife of a Vice President who has all but accused anyone who votes Democratic as being a traitor, called his patriotism into question.

That media whores like Wolf Blitzer, who have been such good little propagandists for the Bush Administration, should be surprised to just now discover who they're dealing with, is just a wee tad disingenuous, don't you think? Blind loyalty is the hallmark of this Administration, and if you don't toe the line at all times, they will cut you -- badly.

So spare me your righteous indignation, Mr. Blitzer. I knew what these people were. Why didn't you?

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