mardi 24 octobre 2006

&*#$&% Blogger!!

As most of you know, I can no longer blog at work, due to internet monitoring that's now going on (don't even ask why, but no, it's not just of me). So when Blogger goes down in the morning, we are kaputski for the day. It's a damn shame, too, because all kinds of interesting stuff went on today, too. So for now I'll just have to direct you to some articles you should read cool people who wrote about things on which I would have opined if the Google Bombers at Blogger hadn't messed up.

The perils of electronic voting finally hit the MSM.

Come home, Reagan Democrats, all is forgiven.

Keith was right last night. Rush Limbaugh IS the worst person in the world. And if you didn't catch Keith's special comment last night, read it and watch it now.

How the fuck many "20th hijackers" are there, anyway? As many as there are "#2 Al Qaeda members?

What Amanda said. And then some.

Fellow House Blend guestblogger Nancy writes about the psychological toll the Iraq war is taking on the men and women who are fighting it.

What the fuck is it with the Bush family and vehicular homicide, anyway?

Men just don't get it, do they? (Best comment on this agony column letter: "you seem pretty self-aware, so i doubt you really need to be told what to do. maybe having a thousand people call you a miserable prick is just what you need to clear your head, forget about ms. free spirit, and appreciate your good fortune. if that doesn't work, try what i do when i catch myself flirting with or fantasizing about someone other than my wife: picture your wife in bed having the best sex of her life with someone younger, smarter, richer, and better looking than you, with a johnson the size of rhode island, to boot. imagine her afterwards, reclining against the headboard sharing a cigarette with mr. big-unit, thinking 'i guess i love my husband, but SHIT!' that little exercise is usually does the trick."

Lynn runs Ned Lamont's chart, and predicts "a big change" for him. Which way that means remains to be seen, but Holy Joe's planets aren't showing a sure thing for him either.

That ought to do for now. See you tomorrow morning, Blogger willing!

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