vendredi 27 octobre 2006

"If bringing the message means the messenger gets roughed up a bit, I'm happy to be that guy."

Message to all you ignorant, Chrisofascist twits, who think lies about a guy who's been sick with an incurable disease since his 30's, and will probably not live to see his children grow up, is "fair game":

THIS is what Jesus would do.

(Transcript here.)

Yes, you could make the argument that having put himself out in a political advertisement, Michael J. Fox has willingly painted a bright red target on himself. But let's not forget that Fox did a similar ad for Republican Arlen Specter, and that if Jim Talent were the one favoring stem cell research and Claire McCaskill were the one opposed, he would have done the ad for Jim Talent.

I mean, LOOK at him. Does anyone honestly think that this guy is some kind of ideologue, that this is about impeaching the president or withdrawing from Iraq or gay marriage or any of the other Very Scary Things Republicans predict if Democrats take over Congress?

The Michael J. Fox Foundation has funded or helped fund over $80 million in projects in just six years. But the fact remains that the United States government remains the primary source of funding for medical research. Foundations and private industry can only do so much. If the job of government is to protect the American people, then government funding of medical research is part of that.

There are people, both religious and not, who are concerned about the "slippery slope" of stem cell research. That's a concern we can talk about and deal with. But to take the most extreme lunatic fringe of "religion" and decide that their view that life-saving research involving cells from embryos from IVF clinics that would otherwise be thrown away is equal to killing a full-term baby, is somehow more important than public health, is irresponsible and befits a 12th century theocracy more than an advanced industrial nation. And I'm sorry, but a guy who can't even claim religious concern as the reason for his attacks, an unrepentant drug addict who gets prescriptions in someone else's name for boner drugs for his sex tourism jaunts to the Dominican Republic, has nothing to say about morality, certainly not the morality of a 45-year-old man who can hardly speak anymore who just wants to see his kids grow up.

Perhaps Michael J. Fox understands that he's made himself a target, and perhaps he's okay with being roughed up a bit. That doesn't mean we should be okay with it.

Mr. Limbaugh, forget about political agendas. Here's what it comes down to: Have you no decency, sir? At long last, have you no decency?

I think we already know the answer.

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