vendredi 27 octobre 2006

What if they held a scare-a-thon for Southern White Males...

....and nobody came?

What if the same old race-baiting, gay-baiting, hatemongering that has been the heart of the Rove playbook stopped working?

There are signs out there that this is the case.


I have no idea if the Rovians will somehow manage to slash and bite their way to "victory" (i.e. continued GOP control of Congress) next month, but the sheer lunacy of some of their ads -- like this one insisting that an Ohio Democrat wants to zap little pig-tailed school girls with a taser -- has a distinct aura of death about it.

[snip for the weak of stomach]

And then, abruptly, the howling stopped, and I knew what had happened. But I kept on running -- for blocks it seemed like. And then I stopped and threw up into the bushes.

I think I hear that same sound coming from the Rovian machine right now -- a doomed, crazed animal in its final death throes.

He goes on to say that he could be wrong, and "Maybe what I'm really hearing is the feral, triumphant howl of a wolf who is proving to the world that he's still the leader of the pack -- by ripping the throats out of a few of the weaker members."

I think both could be true, except that he may be proving he's the leader of the pack by gaming the system to ensure his continued leadership. Between voting machines in Virginia that cut off Jim Webb's name, rumblings of mass disenfranchisement in Ohio, the voting apparatus is still so broken that I for one have no faith that what we hear are the results on November 8th are going to be the real results. What IS clear, however, is that the old tricks just aren't working the way they used to. Harold Ford's opponent, Bob Corker, is calling for the pulling of a TV spot that plays on Southern White Male fears of black men -- but the RNC says "No dice." This is the old "White Hands" used against Harvey Gantt years ago on steroids, only this time even those Southern White Males may be able to see that this, along with the "Fancy Ford" ads, crosses the line.

We will soon see.

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