mardi 14 octobre 2008

I know Rachel Maddow likes to debate the other side, but you cannot debate the insane

One of those times when Rachel Maddow must wonder why on earth she wanted this job:

I hope she has some commentary on this tonight. I couldn't decide what was more fascinating -- watching the hopelessly sanctimonious David Frum, former speechwriter for George W. Bush, who insists that the phrase HE coined was "axis of hatred," not "axis of evil" clutch his pearls as he blamed shows like Maddow's for the state of politics in this country, or Maddow's face as he told her she should have Paul Wolfowitz on, as if Wolfowitz hadn't been completely and utterly discredited.

To claim that Maddow, and Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are responsible for lunatics screaming at McCain/Palin rallies that Obama should be killed or that he is a traitor and an Arab Muslim and quite probably a terrorist, is the kind of disingenuousness that would be shocking, were it not coming from the mouth of the person largely responsible for much of the utter horsepuckey that came out of George W. Bush's mouth in the lead-up to the Iraq War.

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