mercredi 22 octobre 2008

Have I mentioned today how much I hate Mika Brzezinski?

I was literally on my way out the door, and I just heard Mika Brzezinski say on Morning Horseshit on MSNBC that "by way of balance, we should point out that what Barack Obama spends on a suit is some family's mortgage payment."

She's talking about the $150,000 in Republican National Committee funds that went to outfit Sarah Palin in designer clothing from Saks and Neiman-Marcus.

This is the $400 haircut all over again, and an even more idiotic attempt at "balance." What Barack Obama spends on his suits is his own business, AND HIS OWN MONEY. Outfitting Sarah Palin in designer duds is about the contributions of people donating money for the campaign, and instead finding themselves outfitting this woman who has already shown herself to be a greedy grubber of the money of the very Joe Sixpacks she claims to represent.

Why is it that a Republican who lives high off the hog on government expense and then presents herself as a working-class Mom is perfectly OK, but a Democrat who has the money to buy nice clothes but never forgot what he comes from and advocates policies that will help people like his late mother is somehow a hypocrite?

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