lundi 20 octobre 2008

Its the Votes, Stupid! BradBlog Breaks Voter Registration Fraud Arrest Story, Live on Fox News!

Our great friend Brad of Brad Blog was able to break this story live on Fox News last night in the midst of an appearance with scary John Fund, punditizing for the left on a segment that was purported to be about voter disenfranchisement/fraud through home foreclosures. These things usually devolve into a tit for tat of "well, no one made the borrowers take the loans" versus "well, no one made the banks loan the money," with the likes of Fund saying "poor banks were forced by Freddie/Fannie..." and that the unscrupulous borrowers should have known better...whatever; used to be that the lender did a thorough check as to whether a borrower could afford a loan. So, enter our hero, stage left, with a real breaking story about real, immediate, lawbreaking on the GOP side, and gasp!!! ...Fox led with the breaking story at the top of the news hour, and Fund is probably still bristling.

This is a great example of real news reporting meeting Faux News and the real stuff winning out.... Because when faced with stark truth, even in the face of the angry Fund types trying to spin it, this kind of thing can't get a footing even at Fox. They have to leave it with a "well, if this is true we will run it," statement...and then, they sorta have to run it...

Imagine what would happen if each outlet had to be fair and balanced, and if it was a matter of national regulation rather than corporate interest ...imagine what would happen if Americans had the actual information breaking from wherever the news was, without the spin, and were tasked with coming to their own sounds quaint and old fashioned, but here it is; reporting like it used to be....

Thanks, as always, to Brad for working tirelessly to get the truth out about making our votes count and be counted! This is probably the one most important issue leading to this election, and we all need to be aware of what is going on. Visit Brad often for the constantly breaking news and let your representatives know that you are watching this situation and that you expect to be protected and to have your vote counted.

c/p RIP Coco

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