mardi 28 octobre 2008

They're Going to Steal It Again: Tuesday One Week To Go Edition

I wish I could say that I can't believe this could possibly work again, but American know so little about civics, and when you throw in things like early voting, it becomes less surprising. Still, the Republicans' lack of imagination is disappointing:

The Virginia Pilot reports today that a phony Virginia Board of Elections flier is being distributed in Hamption Roads, VA telling Democrats that they are now scheduled to vote on November 5. The flier falsely claims that “an emergency session of the General Assembly” adopted a new voting schedule to “ease the load” at polling places on election day:


As the Pilot explains, “no emergency action has been take by the General Assembly, which isn’t in session, and furthermore, doesn’t have the authority to change the date of a federal election.” Along with the rest of the nation, Virginians in all parties vote on November 4

The message is loud and clear: Republicans Do Not Want People To Vote. Now someone please tell me how they can claim any mantle of patriotism when the franchise, which is the foundation of democracy, is so reviled by them.

Meanwhile, here's a video from Bradblog showing how the vote-flipping in West Virginia is happening:

I actually have a few hours of experience with trying to calibrate a touch-screen monitor as part of a project in my last job. It can be a royal pain in the ass, and that was a fairly knowledgeable IT person dealing with one monitor. You know who your poll workers are; I certainly know who mine are. They are NOT equipped to deal with poorly-calibrated monitors.

Why is it the job of the voter to try to make sure the machine casts his/her vote properly? Why is it so difficult? And why are these vote-flips disproportionately FROM the Democrat TO the Republican?

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