dimanche 19 octobre 2008

I suppose this matters to some people, but in reality it doesn't mean squat

I don't know why Colin Powell has any credibility left among anyone. Here is a man who was regarded as honest, a general of integrity, who sold it all to lie to the United Nations and the world for George W. Bush. When Doris Kearns Goodwin's book on the Bush years is written, the downfall of both Colin Powell and (I hope) John McCain will be attributed to their placing their loyalty to this small, venal president over doing the right thing.

But there are those for whom Powell is still a respected figure, and I guess that for them, the fact that Powell is endorsing Barack Obama is a Big Deal:

Props to Powell for slamming McCain on the Ayers flap and on his appalling lack of judgment in choosing the even more appalling Sarah Palin as his running mage. Props to Powell for pointing out the bigotry inherent in the "He's a Muslim" meme and why it shouldn't matter even if Obama was.

But shame on Tom Brokaw, however, for his shameless shilling for John McCain in this interview. Shame on him for using the "some will say..." device, popularized by the likes of Katie Couric and Matt Lauer to bring the worst crap from Drudge into the mainstream, for saying that this man, who sold his soul to Republicans for years, is only supporting Barack Obama because Obama is black. Perhaps the McCain campaign really did demand a lapdog from NBC in return for access. But NBC already has one in the person of Joe Scarborough. To embed Brokaw's nose firmly into McCain's anus and then give him the Meet the Press anchor spot is unconscionable.

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