samedi 18 octobre 2008

They're going to steal it AGAIN

They've all but flat-out admitted it.

They're going to steal the election again.

They're going to do it through disenfranchisement, through rigged voting machines, through plants at Fox News calling states before the votes are in.

What else do you think the "narrow victory scenario" means? It means winning by just a hair, just enough to take the White House, leaving stunned Democrats once again wondering how it all went wrong.

Here's how they're doing it:

1) They're duping voters into changing their registrations to Republican by telling them they're not allowed to sign a petition against child molesters unless they are registered Republicans. (Where's the Justice Department on this one, eh?)

2) They're inciting the same thugs that have been screaming at McCain/Palin rallies advocating the murder of Barack Obama to vandalize ACORN offices and threaten the lives of activists trying to register voters.

3) They're embarking on a nationwide quest to systematically disenfranchise Democrats -- and ONLY Democrats.

4) They're going to rely on people's trust in the voting apparatus when, four years after Wally O'Dell of Diebold said he would do whatever is necessary to deliver Ohio's electoral voters to George W. Bush, people in 34 states, including New Jersey, are going to vote on machines that are easily rigged. Let's not say "hacked", because "hacked" conjures up images of bored smart teenagers. Let's call it what it is -- vote-rigging and often vote-switching.

5) The lapdogs of the corporate media are still talking in one way or another about the so-called "Bradley Effect", in which white voters lie to pollsters, thus overstating support for the black candidate. And just to cover all the bases, Faux Noise has decided that there is a REVERSE "Bradley Effect" to try to rile up the Republican base.

"The Bradley effect." "The narrow victory scenario." It's all falling into place.
Oh, and by the way? They also have the apparatus in place to clamp down on anyone who dares to protest the results.

Yes, the Supreme Court put a roadblock in the path of Republicans to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of new voters in Ohio yesterday. But that's just a flesh wound. There are 49 other states to play with.

So there is not going to be a single minute to exhale. Not now, not on November 5 if their efforts fail, and not for the next eight fucking years. Because every damn last one of us has to get out there on November 4 and vote. No excuses. No "he doesn't need my vote." No "My state is blue anyway and I really need to cut up vegetables for stir-fry." No "I've been sitting in a 10-mile backup on the Parkway because there's an accident on the OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD and everyone wants a show." I don't care if you've been mauled by a pack of wild dogs. Barack Obama is going to need every vote he can get. He needs every vote because he has to have enough votes that not even the Republicans can steal this election. He needs every vote because Bush Republicanism must be shown, even to Chris Matthews, to be completely discredited. He needs every vote because part of this attempt to steal the election is the contingency plan to try to delegitimize a President Obama. Because if you think for one minute that they won't try to turn Tony Rezko into Jim McDougal, that they won't go on wild goosechases finding phony birth certificates to try to "prove" that Obama is "not American" and is therefore not eligible for the presidency, that they won't try to take a shot at him if they have to, guess again.

If ever a presidential candidate needed us to have his back, it's this one. He is up against the foul forces of racism, of fear, of loathing, of white privilege, of mean-spirited little people who wish it was still 1954. We can be satisfied with nothing less than a landslide.

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