samedi 25 octobre 2008

Oh, fer cryin' out loud

These wingnuts really are unbelievable.

First Ashley Todd was the innocent flower of snowy white virginal Republican Christian womanhood defiled by the Negro Savage™, and now that her story didn't fly, and she's outlived her usefulness to the wingnuts, now she's an Obama plant.

It's so tempting to laugh at these people, except that they are deadly serious. For eight years they insisted that liberals were gutless wusses, until someone showed up in a T-shirt showing an image of George W. Bush and a mushroom cloud. Then suddenly we were threats to the life of Our Holy President. But here we have a bunch of peope who worship before the altar of the Almighty Gun, some of whom have actively called for the murder of Barack Obama, and these are the hoops they're jumping through in order to keep their frightened, hateful, lunatic worldview alive.

If Barack Obama manages to prevail through all this insanity, we have about five minutes to quaff a chardonnay in his honor. Then we've got to spend every waking hour for the next (hopefully eight) year protecting him from these people.

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