lundi 20 octobre 2008

Shays v. Himes Tips Blue...Other Close Races Abound...

Though I couldn't go to the debate personally today due to a bad virus that has laid me low, I have seen video of some of it and have been looking at alot of other video of the previous debates. Currently Himes is ahead by 3 points, within the margin of error, and I believe that these close numbers are due to the bullshit facade that Chris Shays projects as a very connected insider who is hand in hand with Joe Lieberman in belief and attitude that they, (as Bush followers and true believers,) know whats best for us.

Shays is a seemingly mild mannered liberal republican who hides a sharp temper and a belief in the neocon vision. Actually, according to a UConn/Hearst Newspaper poll, Himes is way ahead in the cities of Bridgeport and Stamford...way ahead, like, 54-35%...and an incumbent like Shays should not be that far behind in any polls at this point. There is still the matter of all of the undecideds in the surrounding towns, because Shays is so influential and has been around forever....but according to the CT Post:

The poll found that 86 percent of voters believe the country is on the wrong track. Seventy-five percent of them disapprove of the job President Bush is doing. Seventy-two percent disapprove of Congress while only 22 percent approve. Fifty-five percent said they would prefer Democratic control of Congress, while 34 said power should revert to the GOP.
The poll found a 54-percent support for Obama and 34 percent for Republican standard-bearer John McCain, making it even harder for Shays to hold off Himes' challenge Nov. 4. Shays will need voters to split their tickets to win re-election.

The facts are so clear and the differences between these two are so stark that its a wonder, really, that there is a question as to which one should win this seat....except for the fact that this is a very, very rich area and the citizens here like those tax cuts. What is really pathetic is that people who really won't be hurting without those tax cuts will vote based on them even if the rest of the policy throws their children and the rest of their city and country under the bus.
Is that greed or laziness or what?

I'll have more on this in the weeks to come, but its clear that Shays can no longer slide by as New England's only Republican Congressman on the sheer power of his bullshit liberal act. He is not a liberal and he has been a big supporter of George Bush and his war of lies. The last minute apology act has been done before; its getting to be a pattern with this guy, and I can see that people are fed up with him.

There are many close races across the country and its very important now to step up and do some calling, contributing, and legwork. Close races abound with the specifics spelled out in races such as Minnesota's Coleman v. Franken sporting the same statistical spread that Shays v. Himes does. Senate races here show some predictable spreads in firmly red or blue states, but there is much more wiggle room than I would have expected in places like Colorado, Kentucky, and even Texas. A Franken worker told me on the phone tonite that it is imperative that they get additional funds to put television spots on in the more remote areas of a state like Minnesota because people there don't get much more than the news and paper, and one of the few ways to reach out is vis the TV. Think of how different the world would be if the Fairness Doctrine were in place right now and people got an array of opinions on radio and TV. I think that with the kind of filth that Limbaugh, Savage and O'Reilly are spewing, this must be an issue for every blue politician running for a seat anywhere in the country; how do we fight the constant onslaught of lies and degrading accusations coming from these hate-casters? send your pennies to whichever one is your's or strikes you as needy...act blue on one of the blogs..whatever. Franken's worker told me that in this economy, no amount is too small.

Closehouse races abound with close races from NJ to Texas. I'm not one to wholeheartedly believe polling numbers, especially in such an unusual and historical time, but I have a feeling that we are gonna see a blue avalanche, if for no other reason than because people just want to vote for something different. There is also the racial issue and how likely people are to be honest if there is a racial feeling involved in their preference; if people will even be honest with themselves about their feelings and fears.

For some interesting nonpartisan commentary and explanation on this, check out Polltrack. They currently have a great interactive presidential race map that projects ahead to tomorrow and even election day. Senate and House graphics are in the works there as well. Its the blog that is interesting because it explains whats going on in very plain terms without projecting too much into the drama of why.

I hope to be looking more closely at these numbers and the races behind them...but mostly I hope to be watching the blue numbers tip the scales more and more every day until we have a working majority that we can expect to fully represent the American people rather than big business, and to make some real lasting changes.

c/p RIPCoco

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