samedi 16 août 2008

Saturday Big Blue Smurf Bloggin: What They Said

I really wish that someone would teach some basic geography to television's pundits.

Today's honoree: Skippy, who systematically and symbolically eviscerates The Idiocy of Peggy Noonan with a finely-honed verbal knife.

Money quote:

she made up a thing, and she does not like it? what is this, a dr. seuss poem?
i do not like a placeness lack
of maverick john or slick barack
i wish this campaign would go back
to rizzlety-diggle dork race quota tack!

because as little peggy noo drones on and on, it becomes clear that what she really misses is not placenss itself, but the time when the all the little raceness knew all their little placeness:
i miss the old geographical vividness. but we are national now, and in a world so global that at the olympics, when someone wins, wherever he is from, whatever nation or culture, he makes the same movements with his arms and face to mark his victory. south korea's park tae-hwan moves just like michael phelps, with the "yes!" and the arms shooting upward and the fists. this must be good. why does it feel like a leveling? like a squashing and squeezing down of the particular, local and authentic.

how dare those koreans act just like a white person! how dare barack be as articulate as john! how dare those uppity coloreds presume to mix w/our people, trying to run things like corporations and cities and states and (shudder) countries!

I'm serious. Why am I about to be out of work while people like Peggy Noonan are actually paid six-figure salaries to proufly display their stupidity?

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