jeudi 21 août 2008

Thursday Big Blue Smurf Blogging: What They Said

Tonight's honoree: William K. Wolfrum, who outlines all the reasons Barack Obama is likely to lose this election.

For the record, I part ways with the esteemed Mr. Wolfrum where he posits Hillary Clinton as the answer to Obama's problems. Yes, it's possible that the sulking Hillarions who are going to cede the Supreme Court to John McCain and two more justices like Sammy the Stem Cell Alito and John Roberts because they didn't get their way in the primaries (and this makes them different from what I've experienced EVERY FREAKING ELECTION SINCE I WAS OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE -- how?) will show up IF AND ONLY IF if Their Girl gets the #2 spot. In fact, I'd say it's likely, since Cutting Off One's Nose to Spite One's Face seems to have replaced baseball as America's Pastime in this election year. But to think that the Scary Negro™ meme is somehow going to magically disappear, and that the Clinton Conspiracy Crowd isn't lurking under the ground somewhere, like Dracula in the bowels of a giant ship, waiting for his coffin to be opened after dark, is just kidding yourself.

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