jeudi 28 août 2008

John McCain = 4 more years of secretive, unaccountable government

It's somewhat surprising that with even many people who should be on his side leery of John McCain's anger management problem, Johnny McCranky should allow the dark side of his personality out to a publication that's historically been friendly to him.

From a TIME interview with James Carney and Michael Scherer:

I wonder if you could define honor for us?
Read it in my books.

I've read your books.
No, I'm not going to define it.

But honor in politics?
I defined it in five books. Read my books.

[Your] campaign today is more disciplined, more traditional, more aggressive. From your point of view, why the change?
I will do as much as we possibly can do to provide as much access to the press as possible.

But beyond the press, sir, just in terms of ...
I think we're running a fine campaign, and this is where we are.

Do you miss the old way of doing it?
I don't know what you're talking about.

Really? Come on, Senator.
I'll provide as much access as possible ...

In 2000, after the primaries, you went back to South Carolina to talk about what you felt was a mistake you had made on the Confederate flag. Is there anything so far about this campaign that you wish you could take back or you might revisit when it's over?
[Does not answer.]

Do I know you? [Says with a laugh.]
[Long pause.] I'm very happy with the way our campaign has been conducted, and I am very pleased and humbled to have the nomination of the Republican Party. he senile and simply parroting back talking points given him by Karl Rove? Is he being unnecessarily testy and combative, or is this part of what we've seen in George W. Bush for the last eight years -- a man who feels entitled to the office, who feels he doesn't have to answer to anybody, a man who refuses to answer questions?

At the Democratic National Convention this week, we've heard a lot of how John McCain means more of the same failed policies. But it's more than that. It's four more years of the same arrogant, secretive, unaccountable view of the executive branch.

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