lundi 25 août 2008

Faux Noise is bound and determined to turn this into Chicago 1968

So here is Griff Jenkins of Faux Noise, trying to turn a few hundred people (which he says is a thousand) into a riot:

I must congratulate these marchers for recognizing that whatever their beef is with the Obama nomination, allowing Faux Noise to use them for mouthpieces is not going to advance their cause. You have to love, too, how in Fox World, refusing to talk to someone whom you know is going to distort anything you say, is somehow "interfering with free speech." But who are you going to believe, the Faux Noise fembot and manbot who are claiming that the situation is "out of control", or your lying eyes which show a bunch of people who don't want to be harassed by someone with a pre-existing agenda?

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