jeudi 21 août 2008

Here's why I hope it's Biden

Yes, I said it.

I'm hoping Obama picks Joe Biden.

Yes, THAT Joe Biden. Senator MBNA. Senator "I like're the real deal" -- said to none other than Alberto Gonzales at the latter's confirmation hearing.

I'm so ashamed.

And yet, Senator Joe Biden is the one singlehandledly responsible for the collapse of Rudy Giuliani's presidential hopes. And he did it with one devastating sentence: "Every sentence out of his mouth is a noun, a verb, and 9/11." He said it, Americans realized it was true, and that was the end of that.

We need Joe Biden because Barack Obama needs a "bad cop" with a gift for the one-liner.

These days, John McCain's campaign is using "He was a POW" as the answer to everything. He couldn't have cheated and listened to Rick Warren questioning Barack Obama while in the car because he was a POW. It doesn't matter that he cheated on his first wife and may have cheated on The Lovely Cindy because he was a POW. It doesn't matter that he was up to his eyeballs in the Keating Five scandal because he was a POW. He gets a free pass on everything because he was a POW. Now Eric Kleefeld at TPM Election Central tells us that the McCain campaign says that the fact that Senator Gigolo doesn't know how many houses he has doesn't matter....wait for it....because he was a POW!

Joe Biden, start working. We need a good one-sentence smackdown of this repeated and increasingly ridiculous use of the POW card.

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