mardi 19 août 2008

Go read this and then think about an election that's likely to be won by a senile old man

While the media are patting John McCain on the back because he can phumpher his way through a friendly interview with grinning acolyte Rick Warren, and still having orgasms over his having been a POW 40 years ago because they just lurve a man in uniform, and firmly believing that that all by itself qualifies him for the presidency...and while Barack Obama is out there chiding supporters who say mean things about John McCain because we have the temerity to WANT OBAMA TO WIN, there is some Very Bad Stuff happening in this country that's going to affect all of us. It's going to affect us no matter what the skin color of the man who takes the White House in January is, or how much he says he's going to raise/cut your taxes, or whether he wants to stay in Iraq forever or go. It's going to happen whether we saber-rattle at Russia or regain some sanity. It's going to happen whether Joe Scarborough wants it to or not.

And our good friend Ornery Bastard explains it all for you.

The way I see it, we have two choices. We can either elect someone who at least has a brain in his head who might be able to help navigate us through a financial collapse that's going to qualify us to talk to OUR grandchildren about how we walked 20 miles to the were THANKFUL to do it. Or we can elect a clueless, senile, shameless panderer who hasn't got a clue what real people are going through because he can always write another check from his wife's account for another pair of $500 shoes or another condominium.

I report, you decide.

And enjoy your cake.

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