samedi 16 août 2008

How the Republicans plan to steal another election

It's worked for them before, so why not steal another election through mass disenfranchisement of youthful and minority voters?

Nearly 600,000 eligible Ohio voters may be dropped from the voter rolls if Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner doesn't act to protect these voters, according to findings based on publicly available information discovered by Advancement Project and Project Vote.

These voters -- disproportionately voters of color and young voters -- are subject to being removed from Ohio's voter registration rolls without notice or a hearing because of the state's vague regulations on vote caging, a process that enables representatives of one political party to challenge the voter registration credentials of voters at polling places on Election Day.

The Ohio counties with largest numbers of returned notices prior to March 2008 Presidential Primary are Cuyahoga, Franklin, Hamilton, Lucas and Summit, where Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Toledo are located.

This is why Barack Obama needs a double-digit lead in the national polls before Election Day. The only way he wins is via a lead that is too big for the Republicans to steal the election credibly.

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