mardi 26 août 2008

Poor, Pitiful PUMAs

Talk about "you know....morons" -- meet Debra Bartoshevich, the Hillarion Rove dupe who thinks John McCain is pro-choice.

Hey Debra, you stupid twit: What part of “I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned” do you not understand? How does it feel to have fallen right into Karl Rove's trap? How does it feel to have your ignorance exposed in front of the entire nation? And how does it feel to know that your tantrum about your so-called feminist icon may very well set back women's rights by fifty years?

It's probably a bit late for you to wake up, Debra, since all you know is your grievances, but you might take some time and read up on who your PUMA buddies really are.

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