mardi 21 août 2007

Quote of the Day

From the one, the only, the often imitated but never, ever duplicated Driftglass:

Rove is not a genius; he is a sociopath with a good head for figures.

He is what you get when you surgically remove a CPA’s conscience, cross-pollinate him with back alley dogfight breeder, and tell the resulting mound of giggly meat to go forth and win elections at any cost.

In any normal community he’d be on every watch list; parents would warn their children to blow their Rove Whistle with all their might and run like hell whenever they caught sight of him.

But in Punditland he is an admired village elder, and if his reek of sulfur, rotting flesh and old blood is whiffable a full five minutes before he enters a room, a quick swab of the nostrils with triply-rectified Aqua Velva is enough to keep the press corps from vomiting.

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