lundi 20 août 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere

Because I haven't done one of these for a while, and because I'm busy as hell this morning.

Arthur Silber has a devastating post on the Administration's designation of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a "specially designated global terrorist" and how Democrats in both houses of Congress have gone along with it, not because they are weak but because they agree that war with Iran is desirable because the U.S. is some kind of special nation to which ordinary rules don't apply.

Cernig on Seven-Year-Olds of Mass Destruction.

Carrie on downsizing and the military. (Housewife my ass. The woman knows her stuff.)

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Avedon Carol, for bringing us the awesome little widget in the right-hand sidebar that lets you do what WWRL in New York doesn't want you to do -- listen to the Last Bastion of the Real Air America Radio, the best progressive voice in the business, the awesome Sam Seder -- right here on this little bloggie.

Blue Girl introduces the Wurlitzer Prize of the Week for Wingnuttery™.

Brad Friedman on Diebold's spinoff of its election unit after no buyer would touch it.

Pierre Tristam on the departure of Karl Rove.

Ross Shiel at the Jamaica Gleaner's Hurricane Dean blog tells us who is blogging about the storm -- and at the end of this post, illustrates how the mainstream media is populated by idiots.

And a million thanks to our dedicated guestbloggers, particularly the astoundingly prolific D.R. Scott and the far-too-busy-to-add-my-little-bloggie-to-the-pile-but-he-did-it-anyway jurassicpork. I'm leaving their access up this week while I prepare for a Very Exciting Event.

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