jeudi 16 août 2007

Hit and Run ...Defending the Indefensible; Markos on Colbert

Kos is seemingly everywhere this week, and even though I'm starting to feel like the tiny fringe edge of some sitcom career prep course, it seems to me like these guys might be just making sure that even the folks who really do only get their news this way understand free speech...or something like that....
Stephen Colbert is one of my hero's, and I have to say that ever since he stood up at the White House Correspondent's dinner in '06 and smeared the President, he has not disappointed.

From the goose stepping blogschtappo pillow fort:

It occurs to me that this is sort of scripted, and it annoys me a little that Markos talks as if he is speaking to his child...but actually, Colbert in his Papa Bear persona is alot like a child.

Have a good day everybody...I'm off...

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