samedi 18 août 2007

Adding Insult To Injury

Houston Chronicle:
Short of Purple Hearts, Navy tells vet to buy own
PEARLAND — Korean War veteran Nyles Reed, 75, opened an envelope last week to learn a Purple Heart had been approved for injuries he sustained as a Marine on June 22, 1952.

But there was no medal. Just a certificate and a form stating that the medal was "out of stock."

"I can imagine, of course, with what's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, there's a big shortage," Reed said. "At least, I would imagine so."

The form letter from the Navy Personnel Command told Reed he could wait 90 days and resubmit an application, or buy his own medal.

After waiting 55 years, however, Reed decided to pay $42 for his own Purple Heart and accompanying ribbon — plus state sales taxes — at a military surplus store.
If this bullshit doesn't piss you off, you're a ghoul.

What the fuck is next, huh? Are soldiers gonna have to buy their own ammo and Humvees?

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