mardi 20 septembre 2005

"She'll probably conclude there was no hurricane"

I remember when Jack Cafferty was a curmudgeonly Bush apologist. But like Brian Williams, he's had just about enough of the fool that's running the country, and lately he's been on fire. Here he is, courtesy of Crooks and Liars, weighing on in C-Plus Nero's selection of his own homeland security adviser, Frances Townsend, to investigate the Hurricane Katrina screwups:

Newsweek magazine reported last week that when Katrina struck, no one wanted to tell the president the truth about what happened. None of his advisers wanted to bring him the bad news. What kind of staff is that? Nobody wanted to tell the president of the US that the nation's 35th largest city had been destroyed. Who are these people? And what kind of government do we have when everyone is afraid to tell the president anything he doesn't want to hear?


The public's not going to buy any of this stuff that comes out of Washington. They're not going to believe anything that comes out of these partisan reports, or stuff that was done from within the White House. It just isn't going to wash. The game is up with John Q. Public. They're not buying this stuff anymore.

And that's the question that should scare everyone: What kind of government do we have when everyone is afraid to tell the President anything he doesn't want to hear? Where is it written that he's entitled to live in some delusional fantasy world, when the lives of hundreds of thousands of people are at stake? And why on earth does anyone think this is acceptable?

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