jeudi 16 mars 2006

So why are the Democrats still cowering in the corner?

If you haven't seen the Paul Hackett segment from The Daily Show yet, go catch it now at Crooks and Liars -- because it so perfectly embodies the utter gutlessness of the Democratic Party.

Right now, George W. Bush is sitting with 33% approval ratings -- among the worst of any president IN HISTORY -- and still, the Democrats are afraid to take him on by coming aboard Russ Feingold's move to censure the president for violating his oath to uphold the Constitution with his warrantless spying on American citizens for no reason.

And not one Democrat has given a good answer as to why they won't come on board. Only 26% of independents, those famous "swing voters", approve of Bush's performance. So it's not about offending the swing voters. Only 9% of Democrats approve of Bush's performance, so it's not about offending Democrats.

SO WHO THE HELL ARE THEY SO WORRIED ABOUT ALIENATING? Republicans? People who aren't going to vote for them anyway?

I'm collecting signatures here in the NJ Fifth District so that Camille Abate can get on the primary ballot. Her opponent is a guy who moved to the district SOLELY TO RUN FOR THIS SEAT. He's a typical DLC pro-corporate, "reach across the aisle to get his hand slapped in return" Democrat -- but he's the candidate the party is behind, to the extent they're behind anyone, given that the national party has decided to cede this race to a Christofascist zombie wingnut in perpetuity. All one has to do is be a registered Democrat and sign a petition so a candidate can get on the ballot. You don't even have to VOTE for her, just put your fucking name on a piece of paper.

And people are afraid to do it.

That's what it's come to.

You know what else it's come to? It's gotten to a point where the best speech about American freedom and why the Constitution is important is coming from a fictional character. On Tuesday night, Boston Legal's Alan Shore, played to prissy perfection by James Spader, had me standing up, cheering, and ready to start a movement to draft HIM for president in 2008. Of course he's fictional, but you can't have everything.

But why not? Why can't we have a candidate who'll stand up for the Constitution and the principles this country is supposed to stand for? Why CAN'T we have a candidate who doesn't pander to fear and kowtow to the very same Republicans of which Americans have had quite enough? Why CAN'T we have a candidate who respects the notion and the promise of "America"?

What the hell is wrong with this party?

(Side note: If you liked the videos you linked to in this post, please toss a few bucks in the direction of Crooks and Liars. If it weren't for them, these pieces of video would be lost in the ozone forever.

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