jeudi 30 mars 2006

In wingnutland, being a studio-bound pundit is the REALLY dangerous job

The idea of the "101st Fighting Keyboarders" was supposed to be snarky, but the wingnuts truly believe that they, not American soldiers who are being shot at in Iraq, are the true brave ones. First we had Laura Ingraham, who spent eight highly-guarded days in Iraq, calling the journalists who are out there in the flak jackets, crouching in gutters to get the story, cowards, accusing them of covering the story from their hotel balconies.

Now, courtesty of Crooks and Liars, we have Hugh Hewitt, extolling his own bravery because he sits in the Empire State Building, which he calls a terrorism target:

MW: Let's look at it this way. I mean, you're sitting back in a comfortable radio studio, far from the realities of this war.

HH: Actually, Michael, let me interrupt you.

MW: If anyone has a right...

HH: Michael, one second.

MW: If anyone has a right to complain, that's what...

HH: I'm sitting in the Empire State Building. Michael, I'm sitting in the Empire State Building, which has been in the past, and could be again, a target. Because in downtown Manhattan, it's not comfortable, although it's a lot safer than where you are, people always are three miles away from where the jihadis last spoke in America. So that's...civilians have a stake in this. Although you are on the front line, this was the front line four and a half years ago.

You know, Mr. Brilliant went into Manhattan every day for two years. He took a bus through the Lincoln Tunnel and then a subway. Today he's going to job interviews in the city, going through the Lincoln Tunnel and then taking a subway. If he gets one of these jobs, he will be once again going to work using conveyances that are CONTINUALLY targets. Now, I love Mr. Brilliant dearly, and I would be devastated if something happened to him. But I think even Mr. B. would agree with me that as potentially dangerous is New York is, it's still not the same as being in Baghdad.

Smear war heroes like Paul Hackett as chicken, then claim that YOU, in your comfortable studio, are the real war heroes. That's reality in Republican Delusionland.

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