lundi 16 mai 2005

Quote of the Day

Scott "How Can I Say This Crap With A Straight Face" McClellan, in regard to the not-quite-retracted, not-necessarily inaccurate Newsweek story:

The report has had serious consequences...People have lost their lives. The image of the United States abroad has been damaged.

May I remind Mr. McClellan, and anyone who stopped by here who still thinks this Administration is honest:

Exhibit A. The Downing Street Memo.

Exhibit B. The reported (as opposed to the unreported) civilian death toll in Iraq since the start of the U.S. invastion: Minimum 21,684; Maximum 24,603 (via Iraq Body Count)

Exhibit C. The corpses of 1622 American soldiers.

So what are those people, Mr. McClellan? Chopped Liver? Or just the paving on George W. Bush's road to glory?

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