mardi 24 mai 2005

Frist is out of control

No way is Frist going to let John McCain have anything smacking of a victory. He's got his nose too far up James Dobson's ass to capitulate to any kind of compromise.

So now he's saying that he'll use the so-called nuclear option (which he's still calling the "constitutional option and which I call the Fascist Crybaby option) if the Democrats dare to filibuster anything:

He said the agreement will make filibusters "almost impossible," except under "extraordinary circumstances."

But Frist expressed concern about the "extraordinary circumstances" test, saying it will mean very little if it's applied to nominees such as Miguel Estrada, who finally withdrew his name from consideration.

"We'll have to wait and see," Frist said.

"Let me very clear. The constitutional option remains on the table. It remains an option. I will not hesitate to use it, if necessary. It should be used as a last resort, he added, admitting that no one wants to go there.

"But it is the only response if there is a change in behavior like we saw in the last Congress," First said.

Frist repeated that the agreement reached Monday night says to him that "we're not going to be filibustering like we did in the last Congress."

Frist said he's not making any threats - but if the "other side of the aisle acts in bad faith" and continues to routinely obstruct nominees who make it through committee to the Senate floor, "the constitutional option is going to come out again."

Frist said he'll set a date to invoke the option - if that's what it takes to move the Senate forward.

This is just appalling. George W. Bush has gotten every nomination he's wanted for his cabinet, and 95% of his judgeships. And Bill Frist is carrying on as if the Democrats had any clout at all (which they don't, and they abdicate more of what little role as opposition party they ever had every day). This is fascism, folks. This is tyranny. This is a very small cadre of religious fanatics -- Christian Dominionists, who want Biblical law to be the law of the land, and all citizens to be indoctrinated into the faith or either banished or executed -- and these are the people before whom who Bill Frist is bowing.

Generations of Americans have fought for freedom, and we are not going to allow a bunch of superstitious wackjobs turn this country into some kind of 13th century Christian Taliban backwater.

"We" aren't...but the Democrats might. After all, they think you can still do business with these people.

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