mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Wednesday Big Blue Smurf Blogging: What They Said

Today's honoree, who should have been on my most recent Around the Blogroll feature, is Driftglass, who scarily channels the late Mr. Gilliard (whose voice and wisdom I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I miss every damn day that we live in this nightmare that is America in the 21st century) with Only Nixon Can Go To Nixonland.

Money quote: is long past time for that to change, which is why the Center must be destroyed: must be reduce to an economically uninhabitable no-man's land where it is no longer possible for the "Both Sides Do It" liars to ply their lucrative trade.

It is time for a new Pledge; a beneficent mirror-image of Grover Norquist's odious "Americas for Tax Reform" Party of God loyalty oath. A pledge where the signer promises they will not book guests on their radio or teevee show who are liars. Not link to websites that feature liars except to excoriate them. Will not buy from, advertise on or patronize media that hires and promotes liars. That they will not reference lying Centerists at all except to mete out to them the scorn they deserve.

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