samedi 12 avril 2008

Oh, fer cryin' out loud....

As my longtime readers know, I adore polar bears. Maybe it's that I have a white cat, and the Cute Factor of soft white fluffiness is through the roof. But I just love watching programs about polar bears. Last year, I followed the story of Knut, the hand-raised polar bear at the Berlin Zoo, with only slightly less fervor than those who posted comments every day on the blog that the zoo set up for him.

Much ink has been spilled that Knut is suffering the setbacks of any aging child star, and that the attention of suckers for Teh Cute is now directed at Flocke, the latest hand-reared polar bear cub, who is at the Nuremburg zoo. Not for nothing is Steiff a German company, for they do love their bears.

Well, I still think Knut is cute, but I'm also aware that this is a wild animal and a predator, as are most people. So when I see screaming articles like this, that ZOMG KNUT IS MURDERING FISH, I want to stick an icepick in my forehead. Excuse me? He's a freakin' POLAR BEAR! It's WHAT THEY DO (warning: graphic predatory polar bear behavior at this link).

(h/t...and Melina is going to love this

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