mercredi 23 avril 2008

I can't believe we're going to lose to THIS guy

Thanks for nothing, Pennsylvania:

Standing before a nearly shuttered factory pocked with broken windows in a city devastated by the erosion of its industrial base, John McCain on Tuesday urged Americans to reject the "siren song of protectionism" and embrace free trade.

He used his own recent political fortunes — a dramatic fade followed by an unexpected comeback to secure the Republican presidential nomination — to illustrate that depressed Rust Belt cities such as Youngstown can rebound.

"A person learns along the way that if you hold on — if you don't quit no matter what the odds — sometimes life will surprise you," McCain said in a speech at Youngstown State University after meeting the five remaining workers at Fabart, a steel-fabricating factory that had more than 100 employees a few years ago.

Somehow I think persevering against the likes of Rudy "9/11 9/11 9/11" Giuliani and Mitt the Helmet-Head Romney is a bit different from having your job go overseas and you have no way anymore to keep a roof over your head.

But I'll bet these guys are still going to vote Republican.

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