dimanche 20 avril 2008

Around the Blogroll and Elsewhere...Special Sunday De-Cluttering Avoidance Edition

Well, we aren't going to have Niecy and Mark and Trish and Matt here to help, or to match up to $1000 of proceeds, or to gift us furniture or new flooring, or to draw in people with TV cameras, but our yard sale is just about two weeks away, and we are deciding what we can bear to part with.

Mr. Brilliant has decided that the bigass Proscan TV in the basement famiily room should go while it still works and we don't have to worry about how to get it out of there and dispose of it. We have a smaller TV that we can put down there for my yoga and workout video use until such time as we find a good deal on a smallish, non-HD flatscreen. He's also willing to part with the Warner Bros. cartoon exhibit poster that we got from said exhibit years and years ago that doesn't really belong anywhere in the house because it really needs like a frathouse or a college dorm room. We went through a bunch of CDs and found some we can part with, and of course I have stacks and stacks of clothes, much of it never worn, some nice costume jewelry, and other goodies. I'm not quite ready to part with my ice skates yet, because the boots alone were almost $300 new, even though they need new blades and it's doubtful whether I'll ever put them on again. Rather than sell them for five bucks I'd prefer to donate them to some kid who could use an extra pair of practice boots. We got rid of so much stuff during last spring's flood that we don't have anywhere near the amount of stuff you'd see on Clean House.

But since I'm in declutter mode again today, and the Mets are in a position to sweep the hated Philadelphia Phillies, let's find some good stuff for you to read.

Cernig has an update and analysis of Muqtada al-Sadr's threat to end the Mahdi Army's ceasefire (you know, the one that's allowed the Administration to say that the surge is working).

Ornery Bastard could use a visit from Miss Niecy too.

Jane Hamsher does not take kindly to being thrown under the bus, while Jeff Fecke is still tryin' to find a reason to believe.

MyDD may be the Hillary counterpoint to the Daily Kosbama, but Jonathan Singer determines definitively that no, Obama did not flip Hillary the bird.

Russ Wellen on how Americans' persistence in believing that they will someday be invited into the Rich Guys' Club means that we'll probably be seeing President John McCain.

Archcrone calls the Pentagon's use of so-called "analysts" on the networks to generate favorable news coverage of the Administration's military policy what it is: PsyOps while Tim at Balloon Juice calls it "payola". Either way, the result is the same: We wuz had.

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