lundi 28 avril 2008

Frankly, I think the whole thing is a stunt to promote the new Harold and Kumar movie

In the new movie Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Rob Corddry plays an overzealous intelligence agent who's convinced that the two stoners are a sign that Al-Qaeda and North Korea are in cahoots with each other. What I'd like to know is who sent George W. Bush an advance DVD of the film? Because the Administration's claims about a nuclear reactor in Syria built with the aid of North Korea sure sounds like the most gonzo kind of viral marketing in the history of viral marketing.

Yesterday on CNN's Late Edition, Republican Pete "Ren" Hoekstra and DINO Dianne Feinstein tried to straddle the fence between concerns about the Syrian facility and recognition that they are dealing with an Administration that has proven itself to be 100% full of shit:

"The administration has handled this very badly" and "has a credibility problem," Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said on CNN's "Late Edition."

The allegations come as negotiations continue between the United States and other countries and North Korea over the dismantling of the Pyongyang government's nuclear program.

In exchange for North Korea abandoning its nuclear weapons program, the Bush administration has offered to ease sanctions on the isolated country and remove it from a list of states that sponsor terrorism -- steps that conservative lawmakers see as unacceptable concessions.

Hoekstra said he believed that the administration's revelations were an attempt to gain leverage in the talks, but that the strategy might backfire with Congress, particularly among those conservatives.

"I think the administration believes it will help them get to a deal with North Korea," he said.

"The timing of it, what information they released, what information they did not release and who they released it to, is going to make it more difficult for them to reach an agreement that will be supported by Congress and supported by the American people," Hoekstra said.

Both Hoekstra and Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said on the CNN program that based on the administration's presentation, they had little doubt the Syrian facility was related to nuclear production.

Some photos appeared to show rods that control heat in a nuclear reactor and buildings that bear strong structural and engineering similarities to North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear reactor.

"This is compelling information," Hoekstra said.

And this is the problem with an Administration that has played politics with national security for the last six years:

Can we rely on this bunch to give us ANY information that isn't fabricated?

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