mardi 29 avril 2008

Is This Idiot Still In Office?...Its Backwards Day and the World Has Gone Topsy ....

Wait a minute...did he just say what the regular people want? Did he just say tough times? Did he just blame everything on the congress?
Well, I guess that an uprising was in order; something akin to impeachment or at least some NO votes, as per the American people. So I could spread the blame around; theres plenty there for the rationing, no lines....
According to the Sunday NY Times, Connecticut section, there was an article about how bread prices are about to go way up because flour's rising price. Add that to rice and corn rationing at Costco, and the 85% jump in the price of corn due to Ethanol production (or 15% as Bush says...take your pick...but which number would lead to rationing and rising prices?)
Just remember, its all congresses fault!
Is anyone else worried yet?...Why was it we were not taking action against this clown?

Eco Friendly, Ride Sharing, Gas Saving, Link o' the Day: NuRide
Check it out if you commute even a little!

c/p RIP Coco

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