mardi 16 octobre 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere

A short sampling of things you must read today:

Joe Sudbay shoots holes in Hillary Clinton's claim that in voting for the Iraq war resolution in 2002 she was voting for diplomacy, not war.

Congratulations to Reuters' newest "stringer", the esteemed Skippy!

Drifty deconstructs coffee-bar Wifi.

The good folks at Brave New Films are fighting the good fight again, popping the balloon of Rudy Giuliani's claim of being a terrorism expert. This time it's about the radios that caused the carnage among New York's firefighters.

Matthew the Astrologer eavesdrops on God's conversation with World Nut Daily's Joseph Farah.

Shortwoman just made my day by pointing me here.

Pierre Tristam on legalized institutionalized child abuse in America.

Archcrone on how the waning days of the Bush Administration allow Captain Codpiece to name even more unqualified cronies as "interim appointments."

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