lundi 22 octobre 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere -- Brief Monday Edition

I meant to put this up yesterday, but I'm down with some kind of Office Crud and just never got to it.

Steve Benen on how the media equate Republican lies with Democratic truth.

In case you missed it, Crooks and Liars as the video of Stephen Colbert's appearance on Press the Meat. It was hilarious, surreal, oddly disturbing. I can't wait to see what he does with his one delegate at the Democratic National Convention. We may yet wish we hadn't laughed so hard at his White House Correspondents' Dinner appearance. This is no longer comedy, it's performance art; it's skydiving without a parachute. No one can predict where this might go next.

Play that Funky Music White Boy: Today is the day Funky Winkerbean fans have been eagerly anticipating since October 4 -- the 10-year jump. Check out how beautifully the transition was handled, and meet the new and aging cast. Tom Batiuk is signing copies of Lisa's Story: The Other Shoe Tuesday night at the Barnes and Noble in Clifton, NJ.

Our friend jurassicpork on how the Boston Police Department managed to suck all the joy out of Beantown over the Sox' pennant win over Cleveland last night. (Go, Rockies!)

The hell with the Republican hatefest last night. Dave Johnson liveblogged the San Mateo County Democratic straw poll.

Larisa Alexandrovna on how the U.S. has been flying over Iranian airspace all year. Also...she notes that it seems Valerie Plame's role in preventing Iran from developing or obtaining nuclear weapons has been scrubbed from the final 60 Minutes interview.

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