lundi 22 octobre 2007

The 9-11 Conspiracy Theorists and Me....and Maher!...

I've got a couple of friends who entertain 9-11 conspiracy theories...constantly...and they send me email crap all the time. When I try to reason that we need to choose where to spend our time right now, they say something to the effect of that I just don't understand that there really is no government in this country, no choice, and that everything is preordained, so I am actually wasting my time by looking at the politics that are shown to in the Matrix....

Y'know, I'm probably one of the first people who would believe anything at this point...I have no doubt that there is information out there that points to shadow governments and secret cabals....murderers and area 51 housing aliens in jars.... But I also can't live in an action film....If those things are true, I don't think that Kiefer Sutherland or, better, John Cusack , is gonna crack the plot and blow up the warehouse where the warhead codes are stored....or come and arrest Bush and Cheney and sent them straight to jail....for blowing up the WTC ! Even if that were true, the lack of hard evidence would mandate going with a lesser charge to get a conviction....if that were even possible at all. Don't you see? They would just pass a law or point to a wartime law that would get them off. I'm not saying not to believe what you believe, but get your priorities straight!

I have to go forward, as I always have in my life, doing what I can with what is in front of me and I can guarantee any of you conspiracy "nuts" out there that the thing that someone is going to jail for is not the explosion or implosion of a building, but hopefully for something like the outing of a covert agent who was working on weapons of mass destruction in IRAN!! Now, that is something that we should all be able to sink our teeth into....and something that has become a runaway train for this administration...and it may be something with some real emerging evidence, that this administration would prefer that we would not look at.
And...really guys...the logical left, who want to reclaim some semblance of what this country was before this mess started, have so little accessible airtime, and so few opportunities to have someone like Bill Maher comment on what is happening now and what we can really do something about, why oh why would you want to interrupt that and make you and your co-nuts look worse than you already do?

In my opinion, the 9-11 conspiracy theory is one of those last refuges for cowards and lazy folks...It is much easier to sit around and try to unravel a mystery that doesn't really put you in the line of fire. Easier to theorize and extrapolate than to have to take a hard look at the cold disappointment and despair that rolls out of DC,along with every revelation, every day, day after day.... Its easier to be a nut-case and written off, repeating the same theories over and over....and where is the theory...the truth... that Rudy Giuliani had enough fuel stored in the buildings to blow up blocks? What about the fact that the radios didn't work? And what about the slack cut to the Port Authority?...what about our friends who were told to go back to their desks, that everything was under control...even when bodies were falling by the windows? Is that conspiracy or just plain old boring low bid cronyism?

Why not go after the very real things that have to be brought forward? This guy, Rudy Giuliani, who is responsible for alot of what went wrong that day, (not to mention before that for a long, long time in NYC,) could be your next president! Isn't it more important to ensure that the democrats have a toe hold at least, before we halt all discourse and focus on this one thing?

The real conspiracy here is that which would have any of us take our eye off the ball for even a second to watch the shiny things that the neocons are throwing our way. Its hard enough to stay focused and not to slip into despair, without people who go around like nuts talking about stuff that is only designed to distract us from the necessary work that we have to do right now. lets agree to revisit this thing in a few years, OK?


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