jeudi 21 juin 2007

Wow...playin' with the Kool Kidz

So does this mean I get invited to the Kool Kidz lunch table now? (And do I even WANT to?)

After being on the sidelines of most of the more interesting blog fraci, I am now in the pool, thanks to Ann Althouse deciding that my little 600-page-views-a-day bloggie warrants a visit from someone of her Exalted Status® in response to my snarky musing in this post yesterday, in which I relied on the old Yiddish "needs a schtup" construct as a facile and sarcastic way of attempting to explain what TRex so vividly refers to as Althouse's "Clinton Derangement Syndrome."

Now, I do think that much of the problem with the Christofascist Zombie Brigade is their antipathy towards Teh Sex, which is as far as I'm concerned the main reason why they end up running reform schools in which abuse is part of the "treatment", or setting themselves up as egg harvesters from teenage girls, or as any variety of sex offender. I'm not saying that Althouse is a card-carrying member of the Christofascist Zombie Brigade, but when I read that onion rings symbolize the vagina, or that carrot sticks are a phallic symbol, I have to wonder just what the deal is.

Of course, since wingnuts never let their complete and utter lack of a sense of irony stand in the way of salivating over what they see as a catfight, our own resident troll, Barry, gets in on the fun -- with the predictable reptilian responses from his commenters, who opine that being appalled at a president who lies us into war and systematically destroys the middle class is somehow analogous to obsessing about another president's sex life.

I'm sure that Barry is envisioning some sort of Amazonian catfight, perhaps in spandex and leather with studs and push-up bras, but I have to dash that notion -- my figure, when combined with spandex and leather, is NOT the stuff of which fantasies are made.

Meanwhile, in an echo of the Infamous Jessica Valenti How Dare She Wear Her Breasts to a Lunch with Bill Clinton fracas, TRex reports that La Althouse is now trying to defuse the controversy with levity. Too bad she didn't do this before trashing Jessica Valenti all over the Toobz. I mean, if you're going to talk about women bringing their sex characteristics with them, at least be clever about it. Wanda shows how it's done:

UPDATE: Now all's right with the universe, because Jon Swift has weighed in.

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