samedi 23 juin 2007

On the road

I take one day off from blogging, and look what I missed. Yesterday I spent the day driving to Chapel Hill, NC, where I'll be till Tuesday, when I head north to the CFUNITED conference in Bethesda.

It's an enjoyable ride, up until the last 60 miles, when I start wishing for Star Trek-style transporters. But I have to wonder about human nature, when, just as I got south of DC, I ran into no less than five bumper-to-bumper traffic jams, none of them due to lane closures, all of them due to rubbernecking, and only one of them due to an accident.

Why is it that we feel we need to stpo and gawk at a disabled vehicle because we think it might be an accident with some nice juicy carnage, but we can't handle images of the war dead on television?

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