mercredi 20 juin 2007

Digby Unleashed!!

I found out quite a while ago that Digby is, in fact female, and it was a surprise, for I, like most people, just assumed Digby was a man. I'm not sure why; maybe it's because Digby doesn't post through a female prism the way most female bloggers, including myself, do. Or maybe it's the screaming Howard Beale image on her blog side banner. Or maybe it's just that if there was ever a blogger who came across as gender-neutral, it's Digby.

With the loss of Steve Gilliard, Digby and Driftglass are, from where I'm sitting, the smartest and best political writers on the web -- not that they weren't before, but with the Holy Trinity of Blogtopia (® Skippy) now diminished by one, we need them even more.

Again, I'm not trying to diss anyone else out there. Every blog I put on my blogroll is there for a reason, and I read all of them regularly.

As a middle-aged blogger, I often feel like the creepy old person playing in the kids' sandbox. Maya's Granny might disagree, but she occupies a niche all her own, while I sit here on the outskirts of the Kool Kidz Klub looking in -- a place where I occupy just about every aspect of my life, as a matter of fact. But while the political blogging sandbox isn't, contrary to popular belief, occupied by today's version of the antiwar marchers of the 60's, it's still a bastion of thirtysomething.

So when like most bloggers, I went to Google Video to see for myself Digby's amazing speech at the Take Back America conference accepting the Paul Wellstone award, imagine my delight to see that Digby is not just one hell of a public speaker and someone whom we can all be proud to have as a public face, but is also another wise woman of years.

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