jeudi 14 juin 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere -- Good Lord I Miss Steve Gilliard Edition

Not to diss anyone I link to below, but I can't believe I'm the only one who keeps hoping that I'll type in and see a post from Steve ranting about the Mets' June Swoon, or about George W. Bush's European Vacation, or about the Insanity of Joe Lieberman.

But life must go on, and when one gallant soldier falls, others rise to carry the flag, And since I haven't done one of these in a while, here goes:

Melina, who can string together unrelated topics better than anyone else out there, writes about the insanity of Joe Lieberman, the Israel Problem, and the Sopranos finale. No parrots, though. For that you have to go here.

Some days....ah, the hell with it, MOST days, Digby makes me wonder why I even bother, when she does it so much better. Like here, here, and here.

Driftglass seems to channel the Great Gilliard on the mess that is Iraq here.

Yesterday I was home in the morning waiting for the oil burner service guy to come out for the furnace's annual cleaning, and I decided to grit my teeth and give the Odious Lionel Show a brief listen. And who was the guest on the so-called progressive radio network? The misogynistic and bigoted Bill Donohue of the Catholic League. You know, the guy who got Melissa and Amanda fired from the Edwards campaign? THAT Bill Donohue. On progressive talk radio. Fuck Mark Green and the horse he rode in on. Amanda has more.

Howie Klein on the return of Eddie "the No Chin" Gillespie.

You VILL Be Thin Or Else: New Shaker Kate Harding on the appalling new recommendations for managing overweight children and teens. (This warrants an entire post by itself, as I can attest to what happens to kids whose eating is monitored. Mine was, for all that both my parents had weight problems, and the minute I moved away from home, it was all the ice cream and cookies I wanted followed by a crash diet that mucked up my metabolism forever. Of course there is nothing in these recommendations on the responsibility of food manufacturers who load up their products with high fructose corn syrup or sell E coli-tainted meat or melamine chicken.) Even more on this here.

TRex weighs in on the Big Gay Bomb.

Bob Geiger on GOP Senator Kit Bond's Delusionland.

Nothing like an authoritarian nutcase like Rudy Giuliani to make the prospect of a return to All Clinton Scandalmongering All the Time look good. Andy Ostroy reports.

What HTML Mencken at Sadly, No said.

And last, but by no means least, Jackson Jones (#20 on the Brilliant of 2006 list) turns a year old today. Congrats to Jeff, Dana, and the rest of the Super Six!

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