mercredi 27 juin 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere -- all girl edition

Happiness is a kabob house within walking distance when you're staying in an unfamiliar town that has horrific traffic on the main drag. That the owners are Iranian makes it not just delicious, but subversive too. So there.

Meanwhile, as I sit trying to decide whether to go to an evening session on using both sides of your brain, or one on how to determine if your coding sucks, or to just stay in my room and flip back and forth between Olbermann and the Mets (since the latter are on ESPN tonight), let's take a spin around and see what the rest of the world is saying tonight:

Joan Walsh points out the hypocrisy of wingnuts who want to silence everyone who disagrees with them, but think Ann Coulter advocating the assassination of a presidential candidate is perfectly OK. (Keep in mind that this is also a country in which a kid holding up a banner that says "Bong Hits for Jesus" isn't.) Here's what bothers me about the whole thing, aside from how conservatives are allowed to advocate murder of those who disagree and no one calls it terrorism: Chris Matthews is having entirely too good a time with this. If this builds ratings, are we going to see more of Ann Coulter on TV because she's good for ratings?

Melissa on how Mitt Romney is not only a fucking idiot, but isn't fit to own a dog.

Speaking of Republican idiots, Pam reports on another one: Rudy Giuliani (hearts) Regent University.

Lynn wrote about Ann Thrax last
. (Turn your pop-up blockers on before clicking!) If Lynn's right, maybe the best way to get her off the scene is to ignore her, since she seems to fear obscurity more than anything else.

BlueGal says that since Shakesville has been felled by a DOS attack, it's time for another Spartacus. Count me in. I AM SPARTACUS.

You must read Shortwoman's post on outsourcing.

Ah, they just want an excuse to do jello shots and ecstacy but make themselves puke after going to Quizno's. Kate Harding on how a substantial minority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 think fat is a greater threat to public health than drugs or alcohol.

One Brown Woman on the rise in use of skin-lightening creams in India. Is this what happens when Pradeep has to call herself Marcie when working Dell's call center?

Tata has a "Come to Jesus" moment. Or not.

Tami gets the birdseye lowdown on compact fluorescent lightbulbs.

Echidne on how a wife-murderer who at least has the decency to kill himself too gets absolved -- if he makes his living with muscles.

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