mercredi 13 septembre 2006

Help wanted

Despite the perception of one of my neighbors that I'm one of those "computer weirdos", and despite the rather comical phone coversation yesterday in which I had to talk someone character-by-character through putting an anchor tag around a hyperlink, I don't regard myself as a techie. The development environment at my place of employment is Cold Fusion/SQL Server running on Windows IIS. I've never touched Unix or open source at all.

Until now.

I'm working as a volunteer on a very exciting grassroots project that I'm not at liberty to discuss at further length at the moment, and be very afraid, for I'm what passes for a web expert. I'm going to be using CivicSpace, which is essentially preconfigured Drupal, which is in turn open source content management system software. Sites like TPM Cafe, Music for America, and many local grassroots organizations use CivicSpace.

So I'm leaping into the pool, I can sort of dog paddle, and I'm not wearing a lifejacket. So if any of you fine folks have experience with open source in general and Drupal in particular, and would be available to answer questions, please drop me a line at the e-mail address in the right-hand panel.

And if you know any reason why I should NOT host the thing at BlueHost, please let me know.

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