jeudi 28 septembre 2006

Projecting much, Rep. Foley?

The hits just keep on coming these days, folks.

Remember this: Whenever you hear a Republican Congresscritter or Senator bleat about gay marriage or gay sex practices, you can bet you're listening to a closet case. When you hear a Republican Congresscritter or Senator bleat about teenage sex and abstinence, you can bet you're listening to a pedophile.

These guys are so ashamed of themselves, what they think, what they do in secret, what they think about in the dead of night when the stress of living their lying lives of faux-virtue, that the only way they can cope is to try to pass laws to stop all the OTHER people from sinking into the perversion pits they feel they live in. That most of us go happily on our way, that we DON'T make advances at high school kids, that we don't fantasize about sex with children, that those of us who are gay are perfectly comfortable with that and those of us who are straight have gay friends and still manage to stay married, never occurs to them. Now it may in fact be that the Christian predicament is to be a betting chip between God and Satan while they play Skee-Ball in Keansburg and Satan gets bonus points for getting Christians to fall, but I think it's more a case of people who can't behave themselves without this punitive structure around them.

Today's representative of Christian hypocrisy is Florida Rep. Mark Foley, who apparently had a correspondence with a 16-year-old male Congressional page that freaked the page out so much he alerted Congressional staffers because it gave him the creeps.

But here's the kicker: Mark Foley is the Co-chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus.

Just the way arsonists sign up to become volunteer firemen.

So next time you see a Republican ranting about sex, just remember: He's telling you more about himself than he is about you.

(hat tip: Americablog)

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