mercredi 27 septembre 2006

"No" means "No".

It doesn't mean "Maybe." It doesn't mean "I'll think about it." It means no. It means no, I will not give you another chance to fuck it up.

I'm talking, of course, to John Kerry, who is again making noises about running in 2008:

ABC's Teddy Davis reports: During a learning class held at C-SPAN's studios on Tuesday, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) said he's "pretty much feeling" what you need to feel to run for President.
Since losing the 2004 presidential election, Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) has been actively laying the groundwork to run again. These comments put him rhetorically one step closer.
KERRY: ". . . You just gotta make the judgment. You also have to make the judgment, which I’m pretty much feeling, I'm saying that I have something to say, I have some unfinished business from the last round, I don't like what they did, I don't like how they framed it, and I don't like what they're doing for the country today, and I think we can do better. . . "

You know what, John? Fuck you. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Unfinished business? Whose fault is that? Even Kristen Breitweiser was disgusted with you by the end of your campaign because you didn't even fucking try.

Good Lord, is this the best the Democrats can do? Hillary Clinton, who still supports the Iraq war, and John Kerry, who thinks we should let him try again? I hear rumblings about Barack Obama, who is at this point little better than a moral scold in the mold of his mentor Joe Lieberman.

Is this really the best we can do?

If that's the case, then we might as well shutter the whole damn country and put up a sign that says "Gone Fishin'". Because between craven Democrats like John Kerry and Republicans salivating for torture, the America I grew up in is already gone.

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