mercredi 18 août 2004

Praise the Lord, and pass me another rock, willya?

American servicepeople in Iraq who are practitioners of Wicca don't have to worry about Iraqi insurgents anymore. Instead, they run the risk of being killed by their own compatriots:

After U.S. military personnel pelted American Wiccan servicemen and servicewomen in Iraq with bottles and rocks as they worshiped in a sacred circle, the Pentagon turned to Patrick McCollum of Moraga, Calif.


An advisory team became a Pentagon priority when Wiccan military personnel reported problems while conducting rites and religious activities.

The Wiccans said that some chaplains were trying to convert them and that commanding officers made it difficult to practice, McCollum said.

No go ahead and tell me when the last time was that you heard of Wiccans throwing bottles and rocks at Christian houses of worship.

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