mercredi 25 août 2004

I'd Pay to See This

Poster board and markers for sign for Sunday march....$6.00

Recharge MetroCard for Sunday....$20.00

Watching Max Cleland and Jim Rassman bitchslap Captain Codpiece in person....priceless.


Max Cleland, who lost two legs and an arm in Vietnam is turned away attempting to deliver a letter to the Chickenshit Weasel from Crawford from veterans supporting John Kerry

Oh, and it gets better (via Josh Marshall):

A Texas state official and Vietnam veteran, Jerry Patterson, said someone from the Bush campaign contacted him this morning and asked him if he would travel to the ranch, welcome Cleland to Texas and accept the former senator's letter to Bush.

"I tried to accept that letter and he would not give it to me," said Patterson. "He would not face me. He kept rolling away from me. He's quite mobile."

Mobile. A triple amputee is "quite mobile." THAT's the kind of fucking "compassionate conservatives" we're dealing with, people. These people are just vile. There just aren't words....

ANOTHER UPDATE: Fact-esque has the text of the letter. Go read it. It's a beautiful thing.

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